Anyway, let's actually get down to business. The Groove is proud as a peacock to break the important news that the United States will soon be having a big election in which we will elect a new president.
"Yikes," you're thinking. "What should I do?"
Welp, Tommy and Rachie Pie would like to answer that question—after some reflection—with the injection of an election suggestion, in four parts, Groove-style! But, before we unveil our four-part election prescription, we'd like to mention that some people think it's very important to vote, while some others think it's not at all important and they don't vote. After reading The Groove's election tips (assuming you're still reading this), we think you'll agree that The Groove comes down on the side of being for voting.
And now, presenting ... Election Suggestions, Groove Style!
1) Find out who the candidates are.
2) Do some research and learn where they stand on the issues.
3) Figure out where you stand on the issues.
4) Vote for the candidate whose positions on the issues are most in line with yours.
This is exactly how Tommy and Rachie Pie roll, except for one thing—Rachie Pie is too young to vote, so she leaves out step number 4.
In our July 5 installment, Groovin'—On a Sunday Afternoon, we did a hard-hitting, in depth piece on the high prices of gasoline. Well, since then you've surely noticed that gas prices have gone down. We at The Groove—"we" being...duh!...have been wondering if the lowering of gas prices might be related in some way to the election, and we'd like to hear your thoughts on that. Just kidding. Kidding about that, yes. But not kidding when we say that today is Ben Goldstein's TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN (GOLDSTEIN).
The Groove
Bloggers With a Mission,
May I be so bold as to make the exclamation, "excellent comeback!" I am deeply enjoying your return. I am currently in my History of Recorded Music class, writing on my iPod Touch. I should really go and take notes. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Cheerio, bloggers!
Sincerely, Ben Goldstein
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