Monday, August 16, 2010

To Groove, or Not to Groove...

DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS SENTENCE! Hey, you ignored me, which means—YOU ARE NOW.......READING.......THE GROOVE! If you're new to The Groove, Tommy and Rachie Pie, The Groove's editors-in-chief, say, "Hey there, new reader of The Groove, you've come to the right place, and we over-the-top welcome you with a handshake, hug, kiss, bow, or applause; in other words, whatever you like to have as a greeting." And if you're an old groovster, then you've no doubt (not the pop group featuring Gwen Stefani) already begun grooving, so just sit back, relax, turn off your cell phone, and get ready for God only knows what! Oh yeah, one more thing: if you can't groove with The Groove, you're free to either keep reading The Groove (albeit not grooving with it), stop reading it, or some other possibility if there is one.

The Groove's Slogan

The Groove's slogan could be "No topic too bigno topic too small," but we decided that's too long. We could have shortened it to "No topic too big or small," but that's not that interesting or funny, plusand this is the main reason we don't have a sloganwe don't want to have a slogan.

The point is, at The Groove (WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW), two people just lay it out there, and you, our loyal readers, chew it up, and then either swallow it or spit it out (or swallow it and then "bring it up" later). The Groove doesn't simply tell you facts about stuff that's going on to inform you or assist you in forming opinions. If we did, we would simply be duplicating the work of Fox News ("We reportyou decide"). In contrast, we provide hard-hitting, biased commentary. We......give you......our take on it, AND It (click here).

So now, are you ready to read about what Tommy and Rachie Pie think about stuff? Obviously, The Groove believes in not wasting your time, so let's jump headlong (wanted to use that word even though we may have used it a little incorrectly) into the issues. In "recent" past installments (The Groove sometimes calls posts "installments"), The Groove covered such topics as Priority Club, the Tour de France, the presidential election, Tommy and Rachie Pie's trips to New York and Pittsburgh, and gasoline prices. "How does The Groove decide what issues to tackle?" First of all, alland we mean ALLsubjects are fair game, so we might, for example, consider discussing (in depth, of course) the latest development in the field of Philosophy, or new agricultural trends in Scandinavia. In this issue, it just so happens, we're thinking about addressing: coffee, E-ZPass, summer barbecues, and Rachie's recent trip to Peru.

Tommy and Rachie Pie really hope you enjoyed this installment of The Groove. Please keep a keen eye open for the next installment of................dum dadadaaah..................THE GROOVE!!!