Thursday, June 19, 2008

Blog for the Cure

Greetings! And welcome once again to--you guessed it--the grooviest blog in town, The Grove--I mean, The Groove. And yes, you're absolutely right. We've TOTALLY changed our look. Hope you can groove on it! And now . . . L E T . . . . . . . . . T H E   B L O G G I N G . . . . . . . . . B E G I N ! ! !

Some bloggers blog for the sheer love of it; others, because it's so lucrative. You can usually tell after a sentence or two which type you're reading. In the case of a no-nonsense, hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners blog like The Groove, you're probably thinking, "Gee, on the one hand, they obviously love blogging, and on the other, they're extremely knowledgeable on the issues."

Well, first of all, thank you for the compliment. And second, The Groove is committed to telling it like it is, which includes both telling it like it is, and telling "It" like it is. The Groove: thorough? Of course. All-encompassing? Absolutely. So all-encompassing in fact that Margo Tillman-Blythe of the Los Angeles Times writes, "The Groove simply out-grooves many things that groove but are not blogs, but that still groove, albeit in non-blog kinds of ways."

We've gotten an unusually long way into this installment without mentioning Tommy or Rachie Pie.

    Rachie: Isn't free-styling way heavier than composed rap?

    Tommy: I'm not sure, Rach.

Now that's blogging.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blah Blah Blog

Greetings, fellow Bloggers, Blogmeisters and Blogotopians. Welcome once again to The Groove.

Big Blog News: On Saturday, May 31 Rachie and Tommy made the scene at the Mondawmin Mall DMV Office where RACHIE PIE GOT HER LEARNER'S PERMIT!! Hallelujah! Congratulations to Rachie!! (Caution, motorists.) Since then she has driven three times, with yours truly, Tommy Boy, in the navigator's seat.

Up until now, I (Tommy) have been referring to our blog entries as "installments," but the other day I learned something that many--possibly all--bloggers seem to already know: that bloggers call their blog entries "posts." I ran my new revelation by Rachie and guess what. She's known this all along, but has kindly spared me the humiliation of being corrected.

June 7: Tommy and Rachie Pie arrived in New York City last night. They/We are staying at a Holiday Inn, and (at the risk of sounding like a braggart), since I, Tommy Boy, am a bona fide member of the esteemed Priority Club, our reservation includes: 1) a voucher good for one free drink at the hotel bar; 2) a free bottle of water waiting for us in our room; 3) a plate of eight assorted cookies on a doily. Let us be perfectly clear--these amenities would not be available to us if Tommy were not a member of the esteemed Priority Club.

Uh-oh. Tommy just discovered that he forgot to pack antiperspirant, and it's like the hottest day of the year! Meanwhile, Rachie forgot to pack Q-tips (We know, we know. "Q-tips" is a brand name--the product is "cotton swabs." Attention, other cotton swab companies [if there are any]. Please don't sue us for calling cotton swabs "Q-tips.")

Breadth or Depth

We at The Groove have been receiving a number of inquiries about whether our journalistic goal is to address a plethora of issues across a variety of different areas, or to delve deeply, thoroughly, and aggressively into a select group of issues. In other words, is our intent one of breadth--or depth? Our editorial staff (Rachie Pie and Tommy) met to discuss this and made the following determination: we don't care, and we will not be worrying about it.

We would really like to encourage our readers, you, to post comments on the blog. In order to entice you to do so, we have created a riddle, and we are asking you to post, as a comment, your own answer (or answers). We might decide to make this a contest, in which case the best answer, as determined by our impartial judge Andy (Tommy's wife and Rachie's mother), will be the winner and will be announced as such in one of our upcoming blog installments. (To answer the riddle, click on "comments" at the bottom of this installment and follow the INCREDIBLY simple instructions.)

And now, here's the riddle: How many bloggers does it take to change a light bulb?